Around 200 employees (researchers and other staff) are attached to the Epihealth network who work with epidemiological research to improve the understanding of the spread and etiology of both chronic and infectious diseases within both basic science epidemiology. This is done with the help of biomarkers and interactions at the gene level and applied epidemiology to develop monitoring systems for prognosis, course of care and cost-effectiveness around what the health care delivers and its preventive programs.
Access is available to epidemiological infrastructure in the form of registers, population studies, biobanks and other technological platforms. SFO Epihealth has also built up an epihealth elderly cohort (n= 25,000 people) with an associated biobank.
The link provides more detailed information on what data is available. In addition, there is consent to supplement with registry data and GWAS on the entire cohort. Extraction of data from the cohort is free of charge.
Form of support: salary allowance for postdocs, alternatively, researchers at LU who have completed their dissertations in the last four years.
Focus: epidemiological research with access to the Epihealth elderly cohort
Wanted by: head of research group at the Faculty of Medicine, LU
Grant period: 24 months
Contribution amount: max SEK 750,000/year for full-time position including OH, total 1.5 million
Appliy before: 4 April 2025
Send the application to: Maria Löfstedt maria [dot] lofstedt [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
The application (in Swedish or English) must contain:
Project title
Research program: information on background, planned projects, methodology and orientation and how the epihealth elderly cohort is used, maximum 8 A-4 pages
CV for main applicant and publication list of the last 5 years' publications
CV and list of publications for named postdoc
For further information contact:
Sölve Elmståhl, professor, coordinator SFO Epihealth Solve [dot] elmstahl [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se 0708-53 86 45