The EpiHealth cohort - an open research resource
The EpiHealth cohort comprises a total of 25,104 individuals from Uppsala and Malmö in the age groups 45-75 years and was collected during 2010-2016. Data include lung function (spirometry), inch ECG, blood pressure, body composition, cognitive test (Trial-Making-Test), fasting blood glucose and blood fats. A questionnaire that includes sociodemographic factors, lifestyle factors, previous illnesses.
A biobank is available for future use and a DNA extraction with GWAS analysis has been carried out throughout the cohort.
Interested researchers who wish to withdraw data are requested to contact Sölve Elmståhl, Malmö, or Lars Lind, Uppsala, with a withdrawal application based on our current ethics permit or recently applied for ethics permits. We follow the GDPR and the rules that exist for data management at our universities.
Click on the description below and read a detailed description of the cohort
Description of the cohort (opens in a new window).
To date, about 20 articles have been published based on data in the cohort, which is described in more detail in a first publication [1].
Lind L, Elmståhl S, Bergman E, Englund M, Lindberg E, Michaelsson K, Nilsson PM, Sundström J. EpiHealth: a large population-based cohort study for investigation of gene-lifestyle interactions in the pathogenesis of common diseases. Eur J Epidemiol. 2013 Feb;28(2):189-97.
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Contact Information
Professor Sölve Elmståhl
Telephone +46 40 39 13 20
solve [dot] elmstahl [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se