7th Swedish Meeting for Cohort Studies, Lund, 2024

The 7th Swedish Meeting for cohort studies in Lund 14-15 November, 2024. The meeting is arranged by SRA EpiHealth, Lund University and will be held in English.
Programme (updated 2024-10-24)
Day 1: 14 November, 2024
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 13.10 Sölve Elmståhl SRA EpiHealth Introduction
13.10 – 13.40 Mattias Ohlsson Lund University AI – a short introduction and overview
13.40 – 14.10 Sophia Zackrisson Lund University Imaging and breast cancer. AI as a tool for risk prediction and detection.
14.10 – 14.40 Sonja Aits Lund University AI for support of diagnostic microscopy and aggregating medical records for identifying clinical symptoms
14.40–15.15 Coffee break
Chair: Gunnar Engström Lund University
15.15–15.45 Gunnar Engström Lund University Handling big data from the SCAPIS project Pulmonary function and atherosclerosis in the general population
15.45–16.15 Johan Sundström Uppsala University ECG and AI
16.15–16.45 Magnus Becker Lund University AI as a tool for grant applications
18.15 Three course conference dinner at Elite Hotel Ideon
Day 2: 15 November, 2024
08.30 – 08.35 Sölve Elmståhl Introduction
Chair: Lars Lind Uppsala University
08.35 – 09.05 Lars Lind Uppsala University All these biobanks, use it or lose it?
09.05 –09.35 Anders Bjartell Lund University Big Data and AI in prostate cancer
9.35 – 10.05 Björn Nystedt Uppsala University SciLifeLab and bioinformatics
10.05 – 10.35 Coffee break
Chair: Jonas Björk Lund University
10.35 – 11.05 Jonas Björk Lund University Using register data to assess bias due to selective participation in epidemiological studies
11.05 – 11.35 Conor Macdonald Karolinska Institutet Development of a target trial framework to study adherence to medicines
11.35 – 12.05 Soren Brunak Copenhagen University Using patient records, registry information, and biobank questionnaires for analyses of comorbidities in disease trajectories
12.05– 12.15 Sölve Elmståhl Concluding remarks and farewell
12.15 Lunch to go
Joint discussion about the strategic plan for SFO EpiHealth 2026-2030 (only for participants in the EpiHealth network)
Registration includes free coffee breaks and free lunch and dinner and participation without fee.
Accommodation: reduced fee for members of EpiHealth network.
Registration is closed.
About the event
Elite Hotel Ideon Lund,
maria [dot] lofstedt [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se