Lund University and SRA EpiHealth has decided to support the next generation researchers in epidemiology through a call for project seeding funding that will cover salary costs for preparation of a project application and a research plan targeting national funding bodies. A total amount of 1 000 000 SEK is allocated to grant up to five proposals with 200 000 SEK each during 2024.
We now invite applications for seed funding with deadline 4 April 2024.
Target group for this call is post doc researcher and Ph D students during the final year.
The aim of the seed funding call is to create possibilities for post docs and PhD students to persue new research questions and identify opportunities for collaboration within the area epidemiology. Desired outcomes of the activities include:
• Increased awareness of capabilities and opportunities for collaboration across the SRA EpiHealth network
• Preparing a research plan and project application for larger national funding bodies; e.g. VR
• Expanding the use of epidemiological cohorts within the SRA EpiHealth for example, but not limited to the EpiHealth cohort
Evaluation process
• Proposals are pre-ranked by a group appointed by the coordinator of SRA EpiHealth.
• Information of decision of funding to applicants for proposed projects is given 12 April 2024.
Ranking criteria
• New collaborations are prioritized
• How the results of the project will be used to create new directions (e.g. a major proposal to VR, Cancerfonden, Forte, Hjärt-Lungfonden)
• Utilization of epidemiological cohorts (e.g the Epihealth cohort or other cohorts)
Updated 20240214